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I have 20+ years of studying and implementing transformational success principles and powerful practices that help people discover, dream and DO more than they ever imagined!

I work with a range of professionals, managers, community leaders, entrepreneurs and executives as well as everyday change makers -- regular folks like you who are diving into their own personal growth and development.

Let's chat to see how I can help you be your VERY BEST and overcome whatever is holding you back right now.

Contact Information

(616) 634-7826
(616) 710-1701
@Home Office

710 Jackson St. NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49504

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You'll be joining a tribe of inspired leaders, change makers, dream builders, entrepreneurs and other masters of life, leadership, dreams and destiny! Together, we can change your workplace and your personal life for the better.


"AliciaMarie is one of a kind human being and an exceptionally amazing coach. Her compassion, understanding and love to everyone she comes in contact with really resonates and touches people.

She has such a passion for and understanding of the principles of transformation and teaching that help people become the best version of themselves."

— Ahmed Ali
"AliciaMarie has the know-how, instinct and super-power to help you — a super powerful ability to get to the heart of YOUR question, “What’s holding me back?”

Those questions you ask yourself are personal…important…powerful.

For me it was, “What’s holding me back from my professional dreams?” and “What’s holding me back from being confident?” 

— Kelly Cory
"AliciaMarie is highly intelligent, forward thinking, empathetic and nurturing. These qualities come through in every undertaking that she engages in.

Whether one would like to learn from her by reading her writing, listening to lectures or having a one on one coaching, any service she offers is great!"

— Christina Mallory-Munk

LifeMastery with AliciaMarie

AliciaMarie Belchak is a passionate writer, inspiring speaker, and highly sought-after transformational coach for life and business success. She helps ignite your dreams, empower your stories, transform results, and turn possibility into reality.

LifeMastery with AliciaMarie is the transformational consulting and coaching agency founded by AliciaMarie Belchak with the mission of empowering 1 MILLION people to better understand themselves, their world, and their role in it. 

Serving the Greater Grand Rapids Area, West Michigan, across the USA and elsewhere internationally.

© 2019-2024 LifeMastery with AliciaMarie |  All Rights Reserved.